What We Believe

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Our mission 
The community of Grace welcomes all to share God’s love and grace. 

Our mission is to build a loving and caring community, to share the good news of Jesus Christ, and to make a difference by serving our neighbors and the world. 

Grace Lutheran strives to practice the core Lutheran value of grace.  Emphasized by the founder of the Lutheran church, pastor and professor Martin Luther (1483-1546), grace is the unconditional love first given to us by our loving God, which we then share with others.  We strive for grace in all that we do:  worship, Bible study, welcoming visitors, and equipping our members to serve one another, the community and the world. 

Grace is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a mainline church of the Lutheran tradition.  Our faith is based on the Bible (Old and New Testaments), the Nicene and Apostles Creeds, and the Lutheran doctrinal documents such as the Augsburg Confession. 

Wherever you are in your faith journey, you are welcome here.  You may be a mature Christian of long-standing, a beginner wanting to deepen your connection with God, or you may not even be sure God exists.  Whatever your beliefs or doubts, you have a place here.  We welcome questions and doubts as we all seek together to understand God better.  Church is a place not just for those firm in their beliefs or whose lives are blameless, but for those still on the road, and whose lives may not be perfect.  Church is a place to be healed and to find wholeness.